Kotatsu Lounge | Chill ♡ EGirls ♡ Nitro ♡ Social ♡ Fun ♡ Gaming ♡ Emotes Emojis - Grupos de

Kotatsu Lounge | Chill ♡ EGirls ♡ Nitro ♡ Social ♡ Fun ♡ Gaming ♡ Emotes Emojis

O grupo Kotatsu Lounge | Chill ♡ EGirls ♡ Nitro ♡ Social ♡ Fun ♡ Gaming ♡ Emotes Emojis foi adicionado na categoria . Volte sempre para encontrar novos grupos. Aqui você não precisa esperar ninguém te adicionar! Entre no link de convite e seja bem vindo! Seja bem vindo ao grupo! E não esqueça de ler as regras para não ser removido.

Descrição do Grupo de :

╭ ❀ Kotatsu Lounge is a wonderful place where you can meet new people! Don't miss it you won't regret it! We carve a place on the internet fellow fans to make new friendships, discuss your thoughts/favorite anime, games, movies etc. and get your game on. ╰ ❀ everyone is welcome with joy and love here ♡ 🤍 Hosting Art Event with a huge Prize Pool 🌸 Interact with cuties! always active in voice & text chats. 🍙 24/7 active. talk to girls and guys. 🤍 Giveaways & Events. 🍙 500+ BEST emotes & stickers. 🤍 Fun channels like selfies, memes etc. 🍙Premium Bots like Mudae, Dank Memer, Jockie many more. 🌸 Friendly staff ready to support & moderate. ♡ And much more. ❀ Join us today!◞ https://discord.gg/kotatsuvibe

Regras do Grupo para :

╭ ❀ Kotatsu Lounge is a wonderful place where you can meet new people! Don't miss it you won't regret it! We carve a place on the internet fellow fans to make new friendships, discuss your thoughts/favorite anime, games, movies etc. and get your game on. ╰ ❀ everyone is welcome with joy and love here ♡ ? Hosting Art Event with a huge Prize Pool ? Interact with cuties! always active in voice & text chats. ? 24/7 active. talk to girls and guys. ? Giveaways & Events. ? 500+ BEST emotes & stickers. ? Fun channels like selfies, memes etc. ?Premium Bots like Mudae, Dank Memer, Jockie many more. ? Friendly staff ready to support & moderate. ♡ And much more. ❀ Join us today!◞ https://discord.gg/kotatsuvibe

Entrar Kotatsu Lounge | Chill ♡ EGirls ♡ Nitro ♡ Social ♡ Fun ♡ Gaming ♡ Emotes Emojis -

Você pode participar do grupo Kotatsu Lounge | Chill ♡ EGirls ♡ Nitro ♡ Social ♡ Fun ♡ Gaming ♡ Emotes Emojis clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.