Adopt Me Base - Grupos de

Adopt Me Base

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Descrição do Grupo de :

─ ── ─── $ ⌈🦅⌋〃AMB ⌕ One of the BEST adopt me servers with HIGH SECURITY level! ⌕ Uniquely made with special channels, and one of the best server layout! ─ ── ─── $ ⌈💰⌋〃Why is AMB special? ⌕ Provides decently active TRADING Channels! Includes AM, PSX, MS2, MM2, RH and others! ⌕ The most accurate adopt me VALUE BOT on discord! ⌕ Frequently made GIVEAWAYS and nicely designed channels ─ ── ─── $ ⌈🦒⌋〃What does AMB provide? ⌕ Multiple trading and values channel with value ping, as well as service channels for fellow petsitters and decorators! ⌕ Rewards and giveaways for ALL members that helps members get rich!! ⌕ Bunch of fun and cool channels such as chat, qotd, would you rather and counting! ─ ── ─── $ ⌈💰⌋〃About Morningstar ⌕ An adopt me cross-trader with 8.0K+ Vouches! ⌕ Owner of 8 adopt me based server owner! ⌕ Owner of 150k+ Discord Server, Administrator in Multiple Adopt Me Servers.

Regras do Grupo para :

─ ── ─── $ ⌈?⌋〃AMB ⌕ One of the BEST adopt me servers with HIGH SECURITY level! ⌕ Uniquely made with special channels, and one of the best server layout! ─ ── ─── $ ⌈?⌋〃Why is AMB special? ⌕ Provides decently active TRADING Channels! Includes AM, PSX, MS2, MM2, RH and others! ⌕ The most accurate adopt me VALUE BOT on discord! ⌕ Frequently made GIVEAWAYS and nicely designed channels ─ ── ─── $ ⌈?⌋〃What does AMB provide? ⌕ Multiple trading and values channel with value ping, as well as service channels for fellow petsitters and decorators! ⌕ Rewards and giveaways for ALL members that helps members get rich!! ⌕ Bunch of fun and cool channels such as chat, qotd, would you rather and counting! ─ ── ─── $ ⌈?⌋〃About Morningstar ⌕ An adopt me cross-trader with 8.0K+ Vouches! ⌕ Owner of 8 adopt me based server owner! ⌕ Owner of 150k+ Discord Server, Administrator in Multiple Adopt Me Servers.

Entrar Adopt Me Base -

Você pode participar do grupo Adopt Me Base clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.